Color Ramping using linear approximation
R colorRAmpPalette method with linear approximation:
Input C1=(r1,g1,b1), C2=(r2,g2,b2), C3=(r3,g3,b3) and k as number of colors to generate
Idea: A walk from C1 to C3 passing through C2 with equal steps.
The result color list denote by RC
Step1 : the first half colors list
distance for one step from C1 to C2 denoted by D1: (C2-C1)/((k-1)/2)
RC = C1 + 1:int(k/2) * D1
Step 2: if k is odd, add C2 into this list
RC = RC + C2
Step 3: the other half color list
distance for one step from C2 to C3 denoted by D2: (C3-C2)/((k-1)/2)
RC = RC + (C2 + 1:int(k/2) * D2)
Step 4:
All the element in RC must between 0 and 255
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